About Us

Our Benefice is a community of 5 village parishes, each with their own church building. Every church is managed by a Parochial Church Council ("PCC") which is responsible for maintaining the church buildings for worship in that parish. The Rector chairs each PCC.
There are many matters of common interest which affects each PCC including the services, study groups, mission, safeguarding and finances. To operate efficiently across the benefice a Benefice Council constitution has been agreed. This Council meets monthly. Each PCC sends representatives and meetings are chaired by the Vicar. We hope that by working together further efficiencies can be realised in future.
Our community is made up of people from all walks of life who are "under construction" as we seek to explore who Jesus is together. We are all different and we love to see new people so we really hope that you will feel at home with us. Our Sunday services will begin with a warm welcome and an invitation to join in celebrating the good news about Jesus. Our worship varies in the different churches as well as in our different services, from family-friendly and contemporary to traditional Prayer Book, but at all of them we seek to lift up God's name together and we expect God to meet with us and speak to us through His Word.
If you live in one of the villages of our Benefice then community is important to you. We are places of worship and faith discovery at the heart of and belonging to our communities. We are also very active in our local communities as an expression of the love of God in a practical way. If you live outside of any of our villages
Fawsley and
Preston Capes) then you are more than welcome to join our church fellowships and become part of our community.